Khaligh Wins Best Vehicular Electronics Paper Award for Third Time

August 6, 2015

A paper by Professor Alireza Khaligh (ECE/ISR) published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology received the Best Vehicular Electronics Paper Award from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.

"Comprehensive Topological Analysis of Conductive and Inductive Charging Solutions for Plug-In Electric Vehicles" was co-written by Khaligh and his former student at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Serkan Dusmez. Dusmez also worked at the University of Maryland as a faculty research assistant. The article appeared in the journal’s October 2012 issue. Dusmez is completing his doctoral studies at the University of Texas, Dallas and continues to collaborate with Khaligh.

The Best Vehicular Electronics Paper Award is given annually to the best transaction paper on the topic of vehicular electronics. This is the third year that Khaligh has won the award. The award will be presented at the VTC-Fall 2015 Conference in Boston.

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