Join the vision and mission as partners of e4usa
e4usa aims to increase access to engineering by providing a curriculum that can be taught by any high school teacher to any high school student who has completed Algebra I. Launched in the 2019-2020 academic year at nine high schools in five states, this effort has grown significantly. To date, e4usa involves 91 participating high schools with more than 7,500 students. e4usa students explore engineering in society, develop professional skills, and engage in community focused engineering design experiences, all aimed at helping them see themselves as engineers.
Partnership Applications
High School Applications
e4usa is delighted to welcome applications for the 2024-2025 academic year. Whether you’re an interested teacher, school, college, university, or industry member, your starting point is here with these applications.
2024-2025 e4usa New Teacher Application
2024-2025 Administrator Application
College/University Applications
For colleges or universities interested in partnering with e4usa, please consider completing an application to be paired with a school by clicking our link: College/University Partner Application
2024-2025 College/University Application
Industry and Community Partner Applications
For companies or community members interested in partnering with e4usa, please complete the following application.
2024-2025 Industry and Community Partner Application