
Engineering for US All builds upon 22- years of academic research - and we’re not done yet!  We hope you’ll explore our many types of publications and presentations and share in the research of how engineering really is for us all.

  1. Dalal, M., Iqbal, A. & Carberry, A. (2023). Blended implementation of existing pre-college engineering programs: Teacher perspectives of program impact. IEEE Transactions on Education, 67(3), 364-376. [Link | PDF]
  2. Kouo, J., Dalal, M., Lee, E., Berhane, B., Emiola-Owolabi, O., Ladeji-Osias, J., Beauchamp, C., Reid, K., Klein-Gardner, S., & Carberry, A. (2023). Understanding the impact of professional development for a cohort of teachers with varying prior teaching and engineering experience. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 13(1), 37-54. [LinkPDF]
  3. Griesinger T, Olawale D, Saqib N, Reid K. (2023). Assessing the Reactionary Response of High School Engineering Teachers Offering a Novel Pre-College Engineering Curriculum: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Education Sciences, 13(5):427. [LinkPDF]
  4. Ross, L., Dalal, M., & Carberry, A. (2023). Expanding access to STEM pathways: Professional learning for high school counselors. School Science and Mathematics. 123(3), 102-113. [Link]
  5. Carberry, A., Dalal, M., & Emiola, O. (2022). Anchors associated with secondary school student's engineering design experiences. International Journal of Engineering Education, 38(6), 1824-1835.
  6. Dalal, M., Carberry, A., & Maxwell, R. (2022). Broadening the pool of pre-college engineering teachers: The path experienced by a music teacher. IEEE Transactions on Education. 65(3), 344-355. [Link]
  7. Kouo, J. L., Hogan, A.E., Morton, S., & Gregorio, J. (2021). Supporting students with an autism spectrum disorder in engineering: K-12 and beyond. Journal of Science Education, 24(1), 1-21. [Link]
  1. Wu, J. & Dalal, M. (2024). High school students' perspectives on pre-college engineering education courses. Amerian Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Confernece & Exposition, Portland, OR.
  2. Wu, J., Leger, N., & Klein-Gardner, S. S. (2024). High school students' perspectives on mathematical modeling in the engineering design process. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR.
  3. Chipps, J., Klein-Gardner, S. S., Lachapelle, C. P., & Schill, S. A. (2024). Development and initial findings of a summative assessment for high school engineering course. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR.
  4. Kouo, J. L., Chipps, J., & Figard, R. (2024). Broaadneing participation and the mission of Engineering for US All: A case study of engineering in a classroom serving students with disabilities. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR.
  5. Chipps, J., Dalal, M., Carberry, A. R., & Kouo, J. (2023). Exploration of the role and needs of high school counselors in supporting broader participation within engienering fields. Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity (CoNECD), New Orleans, LA. [Link | PDF]
  6. Iqbal, A., Carberry, A., & Dalal, M. (2023). Formative assessment practices in high school classrooms – Experiences of a high school teacher teaching engineering design curriculum. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Annual Conference, College Station, TX. [Link]
  7. Kouo, J., Chipps, J., Figard, R., Reid, K., Shirey, K., & Klein-Gardner, S. S. (2023). Broadening Participation and the Mission of Engineering for US All (e4usa) through Design Projects That Engage Students with Disabilities as Stakeholders (Work in Progress). American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. [Link PDF].
  8. Léger, N., & Klein-Gardner, S. S., & Berhane, B. T. (2023). Teacher Perspectives of Outcomes and Challenges Resulting from Students' Interactions with MATLAB in e4usa (Fundamental). American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. [LinkPDF].
  9. Schill, S. A., & Klein-Gardner, S. S. (2023). Evaluating a High School Engineering Community of Practice: The Perspective of University Liaisons (Evaluation) Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. [Link PDF].
  10. Chipps, J., & Klein-Gardner, S. S. (2023). Administrator’s perspectives on an engineering program aimed at broadening participation.  Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. [LinkPDF].
  11. Dalal, M., Carberry, A., Efe, S., James-Okeke, P., & Rogers, D. (2022). Collaboration instead of competition. Blending existing pre-college engineering programs for greater impact. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Uppsala, Sweden. [Link]
  12. Figard, R., Dalal, M., Roarty, J., Nieto, S., & Carberry, A. (2022). Understanding High School Student Experiences in an Engineering Course Designed For All (Fundamental, Diversity). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. [Link | PDF
  13. Klein-Gardner, S., Abts, L., & Goldberg, G. (2022). The Engineering Design Process Portfolio Scoring Rubric (EDPPSR): Initial Validity and Reliability. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. [LinkPDF
  14. Efe, S., Dalal, M., Carberry, A., Rogers, D., James-Okeke, P., Akinkugbe, I., & Figard, R. (2022). High School Teachers’ Preparedness to Implement Blended e4usa+FIRST models in Underserved Communities (Work in Progress). American Society of Engienering Educsation (ASEE) Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. [Link | PDF
  15. Berhane, B., Dalal, M., Klein-Gardner, S., Carberry, A., Reid, K., Beauchamp, C., Kouo, J., & Pines, D. (2021). Understanding the ‘us all’ in Engineering 4 Us All through the experiences of high school teachers. Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity (CoNECD) Virtual Conference. [Link | PDF
  16. Emiola-Owolabi, O., Dalal, M., & Ladeji-Osias, K. (2021). High school teachers' conceptualizations of engineering teaching. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Virtual Conference.
  17. Carberry, A.R., Dalal, M., Nagda, M., & McCarthy, B. (2021). Expanding the STEM teacher pool: A history teacher’s experience teaching a high school engineering course. National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Virtual Conference.
  18. Dalal, M., Carberry, A. & Emiola-Owolabi O.V. (2021). Understanding anchors associated with secondary school students' engineering design experiences. Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Virtual Workshop XII.
  19. Kouo, J. L., Klein-Gardner, S. S., Dalal, M., & Eagle, E. (2021). When a pandemic requires a pivot in the modality of teacher professional development (Work in Progress). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link | PDF
  20. Reid, K. & Griesinger, T. (2021). Effect of COVID on a high school engineering curriculum (Work in Progress). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link | PDF
  21. Lee, E., Carberry, A., Dalal, M., & Miller, M. (2021).  Validation of the engineering design self-efficacy scale for secondary school students (Research to Practice). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link | PDF
  22. Bond-Trittipo, B., & Berhane, B. T., & Lee, E. (2021). Exploring the impact of high school engineering exposure on science interests (Work in Progress). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]
  23. Emiola-Owolabi, O., Ladeji-Osias, K., & Dalal, M., (2021). High School students' perspective of active learning in a remote classroom (Fundamental). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link | PDF
  24. Dalal, M. & Carberry, A. (2021). Enabling factors and barriers for adopting engineering curricula in high schools: School, district, and state administrator perspectives (Fundamental). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link | PDF
  25. Ross, L., Dalal, M., Carberry, A. R., & Roarty, J. (2021). Professional development program for high school counselors on the engineering design process (Evaluation). American Society for Engienering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference and Exposition. [Link | PDF
  26. Roarty, J., Dalal, M., Ross, L., & Carberry, A. (2021). Examining the influence of a professional development program on high school counselors' practices regarding engineering. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Lincoln, NE. [Link]
  27. Reid, K. & Greisinger, T.  (2021). A high school engineering curriculum focusing on discovery, design, professional skills and society. World Engineering Education Forum/Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF/GEDC). [Link]
  28. Kouo, J. L., Dalal, M., Berhane, B. T., Ladeji-Osias, J. K., Reid, K., Beauchamp, C., Carberry, A. R., & Klein-Gardner, S. S. (2020). Initial Investigation of Effective Teacher Professional Development Among Experienced and Non-experienced Engineering Teachers. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]
  29. Reid, K., Ladeji-Osias, K., Beauchamp, C., Dalal, M., Griesinger, T., & Eagle, E.. (2020). Design by thread: The Engineering for Us All (e4usa) curriculum. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). [Link]
  30. Reid, K., Dalal, M., & Beauchamp, C. (2020). A music teacher teaches engineering and uses CAD: A case study. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1311-1316). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). [Link
  31. Dalal, M., Carberry, A.R., Warmington, D., & Maxwell, R. (2020). A case study exploring transfer of pedagogical philosophy from music to engineering. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Virtual Conference (FIE). [Link]
  1. "From Evidence-based Research to Impact - Insights from e4usa's NSF-funded Initiatives." American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR. June 24, 2024.
  2. Klein-Gardner, S. "Engineering for US All".  University of Texas San Antonio Engineering Education Department. San Antonio, TX. February 6, 2024.
  3. "Re-envisioning robotics in engineering education: A partnership between e4usa & FIRST". ASEE Webinar. December 12, 2023. [Link]
  4. Klein-Gardner, S. "e4usa Student Kidwind Competition and Outreach Day." IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo. Nashville, TN. October 30, 2023.
  5. Klein-Gardner, S. "Engineering for US All. " Tennessee Science Teachers Association. Murfreesboro, TN. November 3, 2023.
  6. Klein-Gardner, S. "Engineering for US All." Maryland ACTE Conference. October 12, 2023.
  7. Calabro, K. "Building a Sustainable Future for Engineering for US All (e4usa); Reflections on the Past and Insights for the Future." American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. June 26, 2023.
  8. Kouo, J. L. & Klein-Gardner, S. (2023). Engineering for US All (e4usa) and How “Us All” Includes You!. Workshop at Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Conference, Baltimore, MD.
  9. Kouo, J. L. (2023). Engineering for US All (e4usa) and How “Us All” Includes You!. Workshop at STEM Learning Ecosystems (SLECoP) Convening 2023, Jacksonville, Florida. 
  10. Klein-Gardner, S. (2023). Don't Underestimate a Secondary Engineering School Teacher — Let's Discuss.  American Society for Engineering Education. Baltimore, MD.  June 27, 2023.
  11. Reid, K. (2023). Engineering For Us All:  the “Why,” “What,” and “Who” of Engineering & Engineering Technology, Keynote at the Engineering Technology Leaders Institute (ETLI), October 2023, Washington, D.C.
  12. Kouo, J. (2023). Engineering for US All (e4usa) and How “Us All” Includes You! Session at the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice 2023 Convening, Ponte Vedra, FL.
  13. Carberry, A., Efe, A., Dalal, M., James-Okeke, P., & Rogers, D. (2022). Leveraging the collective strengths of e4usa and FIRST for greater impact on the future engineering workforce. NSF EEC Grantees Conference, Arlington, VA.
  14. Rogers, D., Carberry, A., James-Okeke, P., Efe, S., & Miller, B. (2022). Re-envisioning robotics in engineering education: A partnership between e4usa & FIRST. NSF EEC Grantees Conference, Arlington, VA.
  15. Dalal, M. (2022) TPACK in a High School Engineering Classroom. Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Social, Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ.
  16. Pines, D.J., Klein-Gardner, S. S., Calabro, K., Carberry, A.R., & Shirey, K. (2022). Enginering for US All: A National Pilot Program for High School Engineering. American Society for Enginering Education, Minneapolis, MN.
  17. Reid, K. (2022). Engineering for Us All: Exploring the "Why," "What," and "Who" of Engineering. Workshop at the NSTA National Conference, Chicago, IL.
  18. Carberry, A. (2022). Thinking outside the disciplinary box to broaden the pool of pre-college engineering teachers. Invited presentation at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
  19. Klein-Gardner, S., & Reid, K. (2021). Engineering for Us All (e4usa): “Us all” includes you! American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Annual Conference.
  20. Lopez Roshwalb, J., Carberry, A., Rudnick, M., & Cantrell, K. (2021). Sponsored Session: Engineering for US All (e4usa) Program Overview. American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Conference & Exposition.
  21. Klein-Gardner, S., Kiser, M., Cantrell, K., & Maxwell, R. (2021). Engineering for Us All (e4usa) – Meet the teachers panel. American Society for Engineering Education Virtual Annual Conference.
  22. Berhane, B., Dalal, M., Maxwell, R., & McCarthy B. (2021). Humanities, Arts, and Engineering: Finding common ground. Pre-college Engineering Education Virtual Conference.
  23. Dalal, M., & Carberry, A. (2021). Innovations in engineering curriculum: K–12 to college pathways. NSF INCLUDES Virtual Workshop: Increasing the Representation of Minorities in Engineering.
  24. Ross, L., Dalal, M., & Carberry, A. (2021). Expanding access in engineering: The efficacy of a professional development program for high school guidance counselors. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Virtual Conference.
  25. Klein-Gardner, S. (2020). Lessons learned from the pre-college engineering education space. Invited presentation at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
  26. Klein-Gardner, S. (2020). Engineering for Us All (e4usa). National Science Teachers Association Virtual STEM Forum.
  27. Pines, D., Reid, K., Carberry, A., Kouo, J., Ladeji-Osias, K., & Calabro K. (2019). Engineering for Us All (e4usa) program overview. NSF EEC Grantees Conference, Arlington, VA.
  28. Pines, D., Reid, K., Carberry, A., Ladeji-Osias, J., Calabro K., Klein-Gardner, S., & Miller, M. (2019). Engineering for Us All (e4usa). American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
  1. Carberry, A. R., Klein-Gardner, S. S., Lottero-Perdue, P. S., & Shirey, K. L. (2023). Pre-college engineering education teacher preparation. In A. Johri (Ed.), International Handbook of Engineering Education Research (pp. 241-262). Routledge, London, UK. [Link]
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