Our Story

e4usa timeline of events through the years


Engineering for US All (e4usa) traces its history to 2002 when a small group of people led by Dr. Leigh Abts had a vision to create an advanced course in engineering.

Originally receiving feedback that there was no standardized method of assessing engineering design process portfolios, the team began its research into creating what is now the MyDesign Scoring Rubric in 2005. In 2015, the MyDesign learning management system took root and the College Board launched efforts to create a framework for an advanced course in engineering.

Recognizing the need for the support from engineering deans, Dr. Darryll Pines and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) completed an effort to sign on over 120 deans who supported the launch of Engineering for US All.

We are indebted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for its unwavering support since 2018 through grants #1849430, 2120746, 2323098, and 2323684. Through this funding, Engineering for US All became what you see now – a curriculum, a professional learning opportunity, a community of practice full of partners from high schools, community colleges, colleges, universities, companies, and more. Today, Engineering for US All is proud to be a nonprofit organization, furthering our mission to expand the reach and impact of engineering education.

We hope you’ll join in!

Dean Sam Graham

Samuel Graham

Principal Investigator
University of Maryland
Stacy Klein-Gardner

Stacy Klein-Gardner

Co-Principal Investigator
Vanderbilt University
Adam Carberry

Adam Carberry

Co-Principal Investigator
The Ohio State University
Ken Reid

Ken Reid

Co-Principal Investigator
University of Indianapolis
Abubakr Hamid

Abubakr Hamid

e4usa Program Manager
University of Maryland
Jenny Kouo

Jennifer Kouo

Professional Learning Lead
Johns Hopkins University
Bruk Berhane

Bruk Berhane

Partnership Lead
Florida International University
Kevin Calabro

Kevin Calabro

Credit & Placement Lead
University of Maryland
Jim Zahniser

Jim Zahniser

Digital Team Lead
University of Maryland
Leigh Abts

Leigh Abts

e4usa Co-Founder
University of Maryland
John Somers

John Somers

University of Indianapolis
Jean Lee

Jean Lee

University of Indianapolis
Medha Dalal

Medha Dalal

Arizona State University
Liz Parry

Liz Parry

STEM Education Insights
Cathy Lachapelle

Cathy Lachapelle

STEM Education Insights
Jeannie Chipps

Jeannie Chipps

Johns Hopkins University
Katey Shirey

Katey Shirey

David Eisner

David Eisner

Digital Team Lead Software Engineer
University of Maryland
Michael Bitner

Michael Bitner

Digital Tools Quality Assurance Lead
Tim Hammond

Tim Hammond

Digital Team Cloud Engineer
University of Maryland
Nicholas Bentley

Nicholas Bentley

Digital Team Senior Engineer
University of Maryland

Hala Idris

Digital Tools Web Developer
University of Maryland
Katie Taylor

Katie McKeown

e4usa Newsletter Creator
Nicolas Leger

Nicolas Leger

Florida International University
Abbe Bailey

Abby Bailey

University of Indianapolis
Jialing Wu

Jialing Wu

Vanderbilt University
Vedika Vinayak

Vedika Vinayak

Vanderbilt University
Jim Muscarella

Jim Muscarella

Plymouth Whitemarsh High School
Assad Iqbal photo

Assad Iqbal

The Ohio State University
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