e4usa and Nashville Zoo: A Five-Year Partnership in Engineering Design

Nashville Zoo

The e4usa+Design course at Brentwood High School in Tennessee offers students a unique opportunity to explore engineering design as a tool for solving real-world problems. Through a partnership with Nashville Zoo, students apply their skills in a hands-on environment, working directly with zookeepers and veterinary staff to create innovative solutions that benefit both animals and the zoo’s operations.

Design is the cornerstone of engineering, and the e4usa+Design course is structured to help students develop personal problem-solving agency. Students gain autonomy and mastery in tackling challenges by practicing a systematized engineering design method. The course emphasizes troubleshooting, optimization, and the negotiation of trade-offs in design, all within contexts of increasing ambiguity and complexity. These skills are not just theoretical; they are applied in meaningful ways through the partnership with Nashville Zoo.

A key component of the e4usa program is the pairing of high school teachers with industry or faculty liaisons from university partners. This partnership provides teachers with access to industry experts who can assist with project ideas, troubleshooting, and collaborative brainstorming. At Brentwood High School, Stacy Klein-Gardner, e4usa's Executive Director, serves as the liaison, supporting the program's implementation and ensuring that students have a rich learning experience. Stacy shared, “"Working with the Brentwood High School students is my favorite part of the week. The joy they have in solving real problems for Nashville Zoo comes through in the hard work they put in. The Zoo's partnership is unparalleled each year and such a contribution to the course." The partnership with the Zoo is a prime example of how teachers, with the support of their liaisons, can offer students an enriching, real-world application of their engineering education.

Now in his fifth year teaching the e4usa+Design course, Mike Kiser has been instrumental in the success of the partnership with Nashville Zoo. His dedication to fostering a hands-on, problem-solving environment has inspired his students to tackle complex challenges with creativity and determination. Under his guidance, students have made significant contributions to the Zoo, from developing enrichment items that prevent stereotypical behaviors in animals to working on a sophisticated animal lift project with the veterinary clinic. Kiser’s commitment to his students and the e4usa mission exemplifies the impact that a passionate educator can have on both students and the broader community.

For the past five years, students have worked closely with zookeepers to create enrichment items for animals. These items are designed to prevent stereotypical behaviors, such as pacing or licking, which can occur in animals under stress. Zookeepers submit project ideas, and students select the ones they are most passionate about, allowing them to engage deeply with the needs of the animals. Past student teams have helped the okapi, Andean bears, tapir, clouded leopards, and giraffes. 

One of the ongoing projects involves collaboration with the zoo’s veterinary clinic. Over the last two years, students have been working on an animal lift designed to assist in handling heavy animals with unusual centers of gravity. While the project has not yet been perfected, significant progress has been made, and there is hope that this year will be the breakthrough.

Additionally, their designs are documented in a digital portfolio, ensuring that their efforts are recognized and can potentially count towards college credit with one of our university credit and placement partners.

 The partnership between e4usa and Nashville Zoo exemplifies the power of engineering design education in creating real-world impact. With the support of dedicated teachers like Mike Kiser and the guidance of university liaisons like Stacy Klein-Gardner, students are empowered to develop solutions that benefit both their community and their learning. As this collaboration continues to evolve, it remains a shining example of how education, industry, and community can come together to foster innovation and problem-solving with e4usa!

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