e4usa’s Summer of Growth and Connection

Summer PD

This summer, e4usa took significant strides in expanding its impact and fostering connections across the nation. From the ASEE 2024 Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon, to professional development sessions in Baltimore, Maryland, our team has been on the move, engaging with educators, industry professionals, and academic leaders.

ASEE 2024: Making Waves in Portland

e4usa made a lasting impression at the ASEE 2024 Annual Conference, held from June 22 to June 26. This year’s conference highlighted our commitment to broadening participation in engineering education and cultivating an inclusive community.

Before the conference officially began, e4usa hosted its annual in-person retreat at Portland State University. This retreat followed a successful ASEE Teacher Conference led by Katey Shirey, who expertly guided the group. The retreat provided a valuable opportunity for team members to connect in person, reflect on their achievements, and look ahead to the bright future of e4usa.

Throughout the conference, e4usa showcased its innovative approach to engineering education through workshops, presentations, and panel discussions. Our booth, strategically placed at the front of the exhibit hall thanks to the support of the Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland, attracted a steady stream of visitors eager to learn more about our mission. We forged connections with potential partners from universities, industry, and educational institutions. The momentum around e4usa continues to grow, with attendees returning year after year to explore new opportunities for collaboration.

Launching the e4usa Hub and Summer Professional Development

Following the ASEE conference, we officially launched the e4usa Hub, a one-stop shop for all things professional learning. Spearheaded by Jenny Kouo and the Professional Learning Team, this platform marked the beginning of our summer professional development initiatives.

We kicked off with two weeks of virtual professional development, welcoming 16 new teachers to the e4usa community. This was followed by liaison professional development, bringing together new and returning liaisons from various engineering disciplines, industries, and academic institutions.

Our team also hit the road to participate in the Tennessee CTE Conference in Chattanooga, where we hosted a workshop and made valuable connections. Meanwhile, the Professional Learning team hosted their first in-person PD since the start of the pandemic at a beautiful venue in downtown Baltimore, thanks to our friends at Towson University. We welcomed four new teachers for a weeklong, immersive training session.

In Maryland, our Executive Director Stacy Klein-Gardner spoke at the Maryland ACTE Conference, addressing an audience of CTE directors, teachers, and state officials about how e4usa can help them achieve the goals outlined in the new state strategic plan, "The Blueprint." The week in Baltimore culminated in a summer social, where liaisons, teachers, and old friends gathered to celebrate e4usa's growing success.

Connecting at FYEE 2024 in Boston

To cap off the summer, the team traveled to Boston for the FYEE 2024 Conference, where we shared our exciting work on credit and placement with university faculty. Next year’s FYEE conference will be hosted by some of e4usa’s own at the University of Maryland, and we’re already looking forward to it!

Looking Ahead

As summer draws to a close, we’re taking a moment to catch our breath and engage in strategic planning. The summer flew by, but it was filled with fun, growth, and meaningful connections. The future is bright, and we can’t wait to see what’s next for e4usa!

#TheFutureIsE4USA #GrowingTogether

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