BSE Holds Regional Summit

October 27, 2008
The Clark School's Black Engineers Society, the UM chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), hosted a regional summit in the Kim Engineering Building this month.

The mini-conference for current and perspective NSBE members in the local area was themed "Leadership: Is It In You?"

The summit aimed to educate NSBE members about the organization, instill excitement about and improve leadership and to provide networking opportunities.

Activities at the summit included a college application preparation workshop, a case study competition for collegiate and alumni, where participants worked on teams to analyze an organizational problem and present a unique creative solution. Participants also had the opportunity to attend a networking session with NSBE alumni, sponsors and students.

More than 120 people attended, representing 10 colleges, five NSBE alumni chapters and five Pre-College NSBE Jr. Chapters from the Maryland/Washington, D.C. areas. Sponsors included the NSBE World Headquarters, Lockheed Martin, Booz Allen Hamilton, Juxtopia and Google.

More information is available online:

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