CATT Lab Researchers Recognized

January 13, 2009
Researchers at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering's Center for Advanced Transportation Laboratory (CATT Lab) have received the Greg Herrington Award from the National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board for Excellence in Visualization Research for their paper titled, "Visual Analytics for Transportation Incident Datasets."

The CATT Lab awardees include Director Michael L. Pack along with graduate research assistants Darya Filippova, Andreea Olea, Michael VanDaniker and Krist Wongsuphasawat. Their research began as a class project during the spring of 2008 for Prof. Ben Shneiderman's Information Visualization course in the department of computer science. After the semester ended, Wongsuphasawat and Pack expanded the project to produce this award-winning research.

The award is in honor of the late Greg Herrington—a pioneer in the exploration and application of 3D visualization technologies to transportation planning and design. It honors his memory by recognizing outstanding research in the field of visualization as applied to challenges and opportunities for improving transportation.

For more information about the CATT Lab visit

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