Clark School Selected for UniStar Scholarships

February 23, 2007
To encourage students to consider careers in the nuclear power industry, UniStar Nuclear, the jointly developed enterprise of Constellation Energy and AREVA Inc., has announced the establishment of the new UniStar undergraduate scholarship program.

The UniStar scholarship will be awarded to selected students who attend the Clark School, Purdue University, Penn State University, University of Tennessee and North Carolina State. One rising junior student from each university will receive a $5,000 per year, two-year scholarship and one rising senior will receive a one-year, $7,500 scholarship.

Optional paid internships will be offered to the winning students for the summers before their junior and senior years. For each summer internship worked, an additional $2,500 will be added to the senior year scholarship. Thus, the senior year scholarship could be as much $10,000.

According to Michael J. Wallace, co-chief executive officer of UniStar Nuclear and president of Constellation Generation Group (a Constellation Energy subsidiary), the scholarships are critical as the industry transitions to a new era of nuclear power.

"This scholarship provides an opportunity for America’s best and brightest engineering students to recognize the many benefits of working in nuclear power," said Wallace. "The future of the nuclear industry depends on securing a highly educated and skilled workforce, and the students who receive this award represent that future."

The recipients of the scholarship must meet rigorous eligibility requirements including majoring in nuclear, mechanical, civil/structural, chemical or electrical engineering or power generation, having a 3.25 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) and being enrolled at one of the selected universities full time.

In addition to the academic prerequisites students must also demonstrate character and leadership, initiative, the ability to learn tasks quickly and the ability to work and interact with individuals from diverse cultural and technical backgrounds.

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