Cohen Named Distinguished Scholar-Teacher

February 14, 2011
Prof. Avis Cohen
Professor Avis Cohen (Biology/ISR) has been named a 2011-2012 Distinguished Scholar-Teacher by the University of Maryland.

Cohen is the project director for the university's new ADVANCE Award from the National Science Foundation. Along with her colleague Eric Tytell, Cohen's work with lampreys was recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. In addition, CNN International featured Cohen's work with ISR-affiliated Professor Ralph Etienne-Cummings on its "Earth's Frontiers" program.

The Distinguished Scholar-Teacher program recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement along with equally outstanding accomplishments as teachers. Cohen is one of only four Maryland professors to receive the honor this year. Nominees for the award are selected by their peers; the winners are chosen by a panel of former Distinguished Scholar-Teachers.

The Scholar-Teachers bring a passion for learning to their colleagues and students, and serve as models of what a professor at a fine research university should be. Winners receive a cash award to support instructional and scholarly activities, and make a public presentation in the fall semester on a topic of scholarly interest.

| Read the official University of Maryland announcement |

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