Dylan Rebois Named University Medalist

May 18, 2011
Dylan Rebois

The University of Maryland has named mechanical engineering senior Dylan Rebois the 2011 University Medalist during the spring Commencement ceremony to be held on May 19th. The award is given to the most outstanding graduate of each academic year and recognizes the senior who best personifies academic distinction, extraordinary character, and extracurricular contributions to the University and the larger public.

"The leadership that Dylan Rebois has exhibited over four years embodies the University's highest ideals," said University President Wallace Loh. "Dylan has used his remarkable talents in the service of several worthy causes, advancing the University's mission of tackling society's most challenging problems. Dylan's extraordinary academic and extracurricular achievements have earned him this very distinguished award."

Rebois is the recipient of several nationally prominent scholarships, including the Marshall, Udall and Truman Scholarships. He plans to complete two one-year degree programs in engineering and sustainability studies at Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge, and go on to help nations develop programs to bring alternative energy and low-carbon technologies to their communities.

Rebois has served as the president of the UM chapter of Engineers Without Borders and has led projects in Burkina Faso and Ethiopia. He has performed research on alternative energy development in Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Rebois served as a research assistant with the Brookings Institution's Energy Security Initiative, and interned at the Department of Energy Office of Policy and International Affairs.

For more information, read the university's press release.

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