Gansler Appointed to Pentagon Panel

January 8, 2010
The Hon. Jacques Gansler
The Honorable Jacques S. Gansler, affiliate civil and environmental engineering professor, a professor at UM's School of Public Policy and former high-level Pentagon official, has been appointed to serve on a key Department of Defense (DoD) advisory board focusing on research and development strategies for the 21st century.

As a member of the Defense Science Board, Gansler will provide independent advice on acquisition, scientific, technological and manufacturing issues.

Gansler, a former under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, is the first holder of UM's Roger C. Lipitz Chair in Public Policy and Private Enterprise. Gansler has held a variety of positions in government and the private sector. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.

For more information on Gansler's most recent appointment, see the University's press release.

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