Gordon England Gives Whiting-Turner Lecture

October 17, 2008
Gordon England '61 chats with students after the lecture (photo by Al Santos).
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England (B.S. '61, electrical engineering) gave the first Whiting-Turner Business and Entrepreneurial Lecture of the Fall 2008 semester on October 16.

England advised the aspiring engineers in the audience to obtain as much international experience as possible. He also shared that technology development is non-linear and tends to explode at times of great need. He said therefore that engineers should be prepared to adapt to change in order to contribute to advancements in technology.

The next Whiting-Turner lecture will be given by another alumnus—Stephen Ruffa (B.S. '82, aerospace engineering), author of Going Lean: How the Best Companies Apply Lean Manufacturing Principles to Shatter Uncertainty, Drive Innovation, and Maximize Profits. Ruffa's lecture will take place at 5 p.m. on November 6 and will be webcast live.

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