Grad Student Summer Research Fellows Named

May 21, 2008
Three Clark School students have been awarded Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships by the University of Maryland Graduate School.

The Clark School winners are: Kevin Galloway (electrical and computer engineering [ECE]), Anshu Rastogi (bioengineering) and Steven Tjoa (ECE).

This is the pilot year for the fellowship program, a companion program to the Flagship Fellowships and the Wylie Dissertation Fellowships. Summer Research Fellowships are intended to provide support to doctoral students at "mid-career," that is, in the period approximately before, during, or after achievement of candidacy.

The Fellowships will enable doctoral students to devote a summer of focused work to preparing for or completing a benchmark in their program’s requirements. The specific goal of the program is to help doctoral students take a significant step forward in their studies in a timely manner; the overall goals are to reduce time-to-degree, to increase degree completion, and to enhance the quality of the graduate student experience.

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