Liu Co-Authors New Book

December 4, 2008
ECE Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies and Research K. J. Ray Liu is the co-author of a new book titled Cooperative Communications and Networking.

The book, published by Cambridge University Press and available in January 2009, offers a holistic approach cooperative communications and networking, giving equal consideration to the concepts of space, time, frequency diversity and MIMO, and addressing particular areas where significant improvements can be made.

Prof. Liu co-wrote the book with two former students, Ahmed Sadek (Ph.D. '07), and Andres Kwasinski (Ph.D. '04), and a former postdoctoral researcher at UM, Weifing Su. Sadek is currently a senior engineer with Qualcomm's Corporate Research and Development division, while Kwasinski is assistant professor of computer engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, and Su is assistant professor of electrical engineering at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo.

For more information about the new book, please visit the Cambridge University Press website.

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