Student team reaches finals of Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship competition

December 20, 2012
The graduate student team of Adi Hajj-Ahmad and Chau-Wai Wong has been selected as a finalist in the annual Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship competition. Their project is titled “Novel ENF-Based Mobile Sensing for Smart Grid Monitoring and Management.” The students are advised by ISR-affiliated Professor Min Wu (ECE).

The University of Maryland team is one of 11 East Coast finalists. In addition to Maryland, four teams were selected from MIT, one from Rutgers, two from Cornell, two from Columbia and one from Princeton. Qualcomm received a total of 138 applications for 33 finalist slots nationwide.

The competition focuses on recognizing, rewarding, and mentoring innovative Ph.D. students across a broad range of technical research areas. The East Coast Finals will be held at Qualcomm Research in Bridgewater, NJ on March 20. The student teams will be asked to deliver a 15-minute presentation describing their proposed research project. Eight to 10 winning teams ultimately will be selected; each will receive a $100,000 Fellowship.

Go Adi and Chau-Wai, and go Terps!

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