College Credit

You can receive college course credit with Engineering for US All!
As of the 2024-2025 academic year, 25 institutions in 14 states and Ghana offer pathways for students to receive college credit and placement for completing e4usa in high school. We are excited to see the list of states and institutions awarding credit grow as more institutions explore ways to offer students credit and placement for e4usa.
If your university or college is interested in offering credit for prior learning in e4usa, reach out to us at
Institutions Awarding Credit
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): STS 102/ASU 194 - Engineering for All.
Credits: 3 in University General Studies offered through the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts.
Credit pathway: Concurrent Enrollment through ASU Prep Digital.
- Details: Student or guardian should complete our online application (link- to enroll and request their course. ASU Prep Digital will request ASU IDs for the interested students upon receiving the application. High school instructors submit a grade for the student at the end of the semester to a point of contact.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Medha Dalal (
Cost: $650.
Other: Students do not need to matriculate at ASU to earn credits.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ECE150 - Exploring Engineering and its Impact on Society.
Credits: 3 credits.
Placement: Open to all students (engineering and non-engineering), no prerequisites course.
Credit pathway: Transfers to university as a Humanities course (HU).
- Details: ECE150 Maricopa course description.
- Point of Contact: Fanny Silvestri (
Cost: 3 credits.
Other: Credits applied to the AAS and AS programs as [HU] credits.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa+Programming.
Institution Course(s): Computer Science 20: Principles of Computer Science.
Credits: 1 course of general elective credit.
Placement: Any Computer Science course.
Credit pathway: AP® Computer Science Principles exam.
- Details: Submit your AP® Computer Science Principles exam score to Duke University. A score of 5 is required to receive credit. AP® credit will appear on your transcript.
- Point of Contact: Office of the University Registrar (
Cost: $0.
Other: Students must matriculate at Duke University to earn credit. AP® exam score should be sent to Duke the summer before arriving on campus. Duke offers some scholarship funding that prefers first-generation students who are e4usa alumni.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): EGS 1006- Introduction to Engineering.
Credits: 3
Placement: Engineering Topics.
Credit pathway: Pathway Syllabus will be evaluated by faculty in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering on a case-by-case basis.
- Details: The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering will do a full review of the syllabus.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Bruk T. Berhane (
Cost: $0
Other: For instructions on how to initiate the process visit: Academic Advising - FIU College of Engineering and Computing.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 110 - Engineering & Social Justice.
Credits: 3 credits.
Credit pathway: Early Identification Program Enrollment.
- Details: To become an EIP Prep Student, a candidate must first be recommended by their school counselor and/or a teacher. Once nominated, students and their parents are invited to attend an information session where the benefits of the program are outlined and families are given instruction on how to access the online EIP Prep Application link. For your reference, the EIP Prep nomination period is during the spring semester; please view the timeline reference link below.
- Point of Contact: The Office of Diversity, Outreach, and Inclusive Learning (
Cost: $150 (Financial Aid Available).
Other: Students must enroll at George Mason University as a high school matriculant. Information around non-degree enrollment can be found here.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa course(s): Preliminary Engineering (e4usa+Making).
Credits: 2 credits in the university’s pre-engineering program for non-science students.
Placement: High school graduates with evidence of the e4usa course will be made to transfer credit into the pre-engineering program.
Credit pathway: The pre-engineering program leads to students taking any engineering degree of their choosing.
- Point of Contact: Ing. Linus Antonio Ofori Agyekum,
Cost: The pre-engineering program fee is applied.
Other: Students must enroll in the KsTU pre-engineering program to earn credits. To initiate the process, visit:
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 100 Engineering Portal.
Credits: 1 credit.
Credit pathway: Dual Enrollment.
- Details: Enrollment in an e4usa-affiliated high school course.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Ryan Overton (
Cost: Standard tuition and fee rates offset by state/school district support.
Other: Learn more by visiting
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 110: Engineering For US All.
Credits: 3 credits in the General Education Program.
Credit pathway: Concurrent Enrollment.
- Details: Evaluation consists of 1) e4usa high school engineering design portfolio review and 2) 980 SAT score (Critical Reading and Mathematics) or 19 ACT composite.
- Point of Contact: : Petronella James (
Cost: Standard tuition and fee rates offset by state/school district support.
Other: For instructions on how to initiate the process click here.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 10301: Pre Engineering Experience.
Credits: 1 credit, may be used for a prerequisite for ENGR 13000: Transforming Ideas into Innovations.
Credit pathway: Credits granted for participation in e4usa upon admission to Purdue First Year Engineering.
- Details: Credit granted for participation in e4use for students with a grade of B or higher.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Isabel Jimenez-Useche,
Cost: $0
Other: Students must matriculate to Purdue University in the First Year Engineering major to earn credits.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): TECH 12000- Design Thinking in Technology.
Credits: Earn 3 credits in the university’s core Science Technology & Society curriculum component. This course also serves as the first-year design course for most majors within the Purdue Polytechnic Institute. Additionally, TECH 12000 is one of three core courses for a Design and Innovation minor.
Credit pathway: Departmental Portfolio Review.
- Details: Open to students who have achieved a grade of B or better in their e4usa course (Legacy, Making, or Design). Qualifying students can submit their e4usa high school engineering design portfolio for review to demonstrate that they have met the course learning objectives. An additional student interview may be requested to further clarify their achievements.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Scott Thorne (
Cost: $30
Other: Students must matriculate to Purdue University to earn credits.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 201 Engineering Foundations 1.
Credits: 3 Credit Hours.
Credit pathway: Departmental Proficiency Exam.
- Details: The Departmental Proficiency Exam consists of:
- An e4usa high school engineering design portfolio review.
- A 30-minute written examination.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Cheryl Beauchamp (
Cost: $75
Other: Students must matriculate at Regent University to earn credits. To initiate the process, visit
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): SE 1709 - Introduction to Engineering.
Credits: 2 credits.
Credit pathway: Credits granted for participation in e4usa upon admission.
- Details: Credit granted for participation in e4usa for students with a grade of C or better.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Scott Sell, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (
Cost: No additional cost for credit in SE 1709.
Other: Students must matriculate at Saint Louis University to earn credits. To initiate the process visit Saint Louis University Admission.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ECE 150 - Exploring Engineering and its Impact on Society.
Credits: 3
Credit pathway: Transfers to university as a Humanities course (HU). Dual Enrollment transfers for college credit.
- Details: Open for Engineering and non-Engineering students.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Carl Whitesel (
Cost: 3 credits tuition + low course consumables fee.
Other: Students must matriculate to Arizona State University to earn transfer credits. Credits apply as HU credits for the SMCC programs.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): e4usa students receive credit for ENGR 1020 Freshmen Engineering Seminar with successful completion of the course. Students may also submit a portfolio of their CAD work for consideration of credit for ENGR 1151 Computer Engineering Graphics and Analysis.
Credits: ENGR 1020: 1 hr. and ENGR 1151: 1 hr.
Credit pathway: dual credit.
- Details: Evaluation consists of
- e4usa high school engineering design portfolio review.
- 900 SAT( Verbal and Math Scores Only) and 19 ACT.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Catherine Armwood-Gordon (
Cost: $0
Other: Other students may be reviewed/considered by our Continuing & Distance Education Office for possible credit.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): TST161: Creative Design - Engineering for US All.
Credits: 4 credits.
Credit pathway: Dual Enrollment.
- Details: Credit granted for participation in e4USA course for students earning a C or higher, taking the course in 11th grade or later.
- Point of Contact: Debra Gulick ( or Manuel Figueroa (
Cost: $550
Other: To apply for admission to TCNJ, visit:
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 196 Freshman Vertically Integrated Project.
Credits: Variable, 1-3 credits, based on thoroughness and complexity.
Credit pathway: Concurrent enrollment or upon matriculation to College.
- Details: Students interested in earning credits MUST sign up for this course while taking the e4usa course at their respective high school. Upon payment for the UHM CoE course and submission of a report for the e4usa course to the high school instructor, the grade submitted by the high school instructor will be transmitted to the point of contact in the College for official grade submission.
- Point of Contact: Song K Choi, PhD (
Cost: Standard tuition and fees, and possible ways to offset the costs will be explored.
Other: State and College scholarships may be available for e4usa programs.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy, e4usa + Making, e4usa + Design, e4usa + Programming.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 199 - Pre Engineering Experience.
Credits: 1 credit for each e4usa course, up to 4 if students have other experience.
Credit pathway: Credit granted for participation in e4usa upon admission.
- Details: Credit granted for participation in e4usa for students with a grade of B or better, taking the course in 10th grade or later.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Associate Dean of Engineering (
Cost: No additional cost for credit in ENGR 199.
Other: Scholarships available for e4usa participants: see Engineering for US All - University of Indianapolis ( for details.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 165 - General Engineering Credit.
Credits: 2 credits.
Credit pathway: Departmental Proficiency Evaluation.
- Details: Proficiency Evaluation consists of a review of e4usa high school engineering design portfolio.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Erin Gerber (
Cost: $0
Other: Students must matriculate at University of Louisville’s JB Speed School of Engineering to earn credits. To initiate the process, discuss with your Academic Advisor or Point of Contact listed above.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa Course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ECEP 104: Discovering the Engineering World.
Credits: 3 General Education Program Credits (TBD).
Credit pathway: Credit granted for participation in e4usa upon admission to the college.
- Details:
- Earn a 2.5 or above in first semester at UMBC.
- Earn a 3.0 or better average for e4usa classes in Pre-College.
- Meet with Dr. Maria Sanchez when you are ready to submit an electronic copy of your e4usa portfolio.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Maria Sanchez (
Cost: Please check UMBC up to date tuition rates:
Other: For more information about UMBC visit:
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa course(s): e4usa Legacy OR e4usa + Design.
Institution course(s): ENES 192: Engineering For US All.
Credits: 3 in General Education Scholarship in Practice (DSSP).
Credit pathway: Departmental Proficiency Exam.
- Details: Proficiency Exam consists of
- e4usa high school engineering design portfolio review.
- A short written examination.
- Point of Contact: Kevin Calabro (
Cost: $30
Other: Students must matriculate at University of Maryland to earn credits. To initiate the process download the Credit By Exam form at
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 195.
Credits: 3 semester credit hours of general university credit.
Credit pathway: Dual enrollment credit.
- Details: Enrollment in an e4usa-affiliated high school course.
- Point of Contact: Shuang (Sean) Luan,
Cost: Free to New Mexico students.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa course(s): e4usa Legacy, e4usa + Making, e4usa + Design.
Placement: Engineering Design in Action (ENGR 1421) + Core V gen ed.
Credits: Substitute Engineering Design in Action for Pathways to Engineering Thinking.
Credit pathway: By request with submission of e4usa engineering design portfolio.
- Details:
- High school transcript must show B or better for e4usa.
- Faculty review of e4usa engineering design portfolio submitted by July 1 prior to entry.
- Point of Contact: Dr. Susan Walden, Executive Director Engineering Pathways,
Cost: Free.
Other: : Must matriculate to Gallogly College of Engineering at University of Oklahoma- Norman Campus. For more information see: and
Fast Facts
e4usa course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR 2464: Engineering Fundamentals for Scientists.
Credits: 2 in Interdisciplinary Engineering and Science (IES) Minor for Life Science majors.
Credit pathway: Credit by Examination.
- Details: Evaluation consists of
- A review of e4usa portfolio materials.
- A 1-hour examination (primarily multiple choice with a few short answer questions).
- Point of Contact: College of Engineering Academic Affairs (
Cost: Free
Other: Students must be admitted to Virginia Tech to earn credits. To apply for admission to Virginia Tech, click here.
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!
Fast Facts
e4usa course(s): e4usa Legacy.
Institution Course(s): ENGR101: Engineering Problem Solving I.
Credits: 2 credits towards a degree requirement for all Statler College Majors.
Credit pathway: Departmental Proficiency Exam.
- Details: High school transcript must show B or better for e4usa. Qualifying students will then submit their e4usa high school engineering design portfolio for review to ensure course learning objectives were met. Proficiency Exam consists of 1) e4usa high school engineering design portfolio review and 2) a Microsoft Excel examination.
- Point of Contact: Lizzie Santiago ( or Carter Hulcher (
Cost: $0.
Other: Students must matriculate at West Virginia University to earn credits. To initiate the process, discuss with your Academic Advisor or a Point of Contact listed above. To apply to WVU, visit
e4usa + Programming aligns with AP® CSP. See this institution’s opportunities here!