Johnson Elected IBE Fellow

April 3, 2009
Professor Art Johnson.
The Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) has elected Fischell Department of Bioengineering professor Art Johnson to Fellowship.

The IBE is a professional organization that promotes research and interest in biological engineering, education, professional standards, interaction between academia, industry and government, public awareness, and responsible use of biologically engineered products. Johnson is a founding member and former president, and with his election becomes the Institute's sixth Fellow.

IBE Fellows are selected based on their "recognizable and demonstrable record[s] of unusual and exceptional achievement and accomplishment in a specific sector of Biological Engineering" that has advanced the field and profession.

The citation on the award, presented by IBE president Christina Smolke, states "As a charter member and second President of IBE, Dr. Johnson has served the society with dedication and passion. He has pioneered new approaches to teaching Biological Engineering. His research in respiratory protection, pulmonary function testing, and exercise biomechanics has been recognized as unique and valuable."

To learn more about Professor Johnson, and to read selections from his essays and books, visit his web site »

Visit the Institute of Biological Engineering web site »

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