Johnson Elevated to IEEE Fellowship

December 1, 2009
Fischell Department of Bioengineering professor emeritus Arthur T. Johnson has been elevated to the rank of Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), effective January 1, 2010. He was cited for his leadership in bioengineering education.

The IEEE is the world's largest international professional society for engineering and computing. The organization develops international standards in fields such as telecommunications and information technology, offers continuing education for members, provides approximately $2 million dollars each year in grants for research and educational programs, and publishes almost one third of the world's technical journals, magazines, and books.

IEEE Fellowship is awarded to members for distinction in their professions. Members must be nominated by their peers and approved by the IEEE Board of Directors to attain the rank of Fellow.

For More Information:

To learn more about Professor Johnson, and to read selections from his essays and books, visit his web site »

Visit the IEEE web site »

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